The quest for the essence of being human.


The Elcker-ik experience in clay

As a sculptor, Elke Hubens delves deep into the human experience. She seeks the authentic 'human' and aims to understand what fundamentally connects us all. How do we navigate our human vulnerability and relationships, and where do we find happiness and lightness?

Human landscapes

For Elke Hubens the human figure is a powerful vessel of expression: it shows the traces life and nature leave on our being. Through these human landscapes Elke conveys the essence of what connects us with each other and the natural world we’re a part of. Elke embraces the abstract-figurative movement, reconciling realism with a freestyled sculptural language.

Clay as a metaphor for life’s cycles

Working with clay, a fragile yet robust primal material, Elke Hubens follows the eternal cycle, mirroring the existence of humanity. Clay transforms from sand and water to stoneware and sculptures. After firing in the kiln, the artist sometimes embellishes a piece with pigments or paint, ensuring that the earth and the 'touché' of the creative process resonate within the artwork.

Sculptor, storyteller, mother

As a sculptor, Elke Hubens is largely self-taught. Always eager to enrich my sculptural language, she has followed classes or workshops with artists such as Erica Chaffart, Monique Donckers, Anneke Lauwaert, Masha de Vries, Miek Sysmans, Alberto Bustos, …

In addition to her work as a sculptor, Elke Hubens is a copywriter and a storyteller, both on paper as on stage. She is mother of two sons, the youngest of whom was born with Down syndrome. Loving, caring for and learning from these 2 wonderful human beings adds depth to her art.