Human Landscapes
exploring the human connection

I, Human

The series I, Human explores what makes us human and connects us. It is an ode to the people who have encountered hardship, fought against it and eventually embraced their vulnerability and . An ode to their resilience, strength, zest for life and wise happiness. With my work I hope to capture these silent victories and the beauty of humans who - despite everything - persevere.

U/Me Identity

U/Me, Identity examines the tension between us as individuals and as social beings and the connection with the self and the other. Can we truly be ourselves in relation to others? When are we lonely and when happy alone? Do we only gain identity through socially expected blueprints or archetypes: mother, partner, employee, artist, rebel … ? What happens when these carefully constructed identities fall away, like they did during the lockdowns? Who are we then?


With We/Scapes (We are Tree), I want to show the human figure in relationship with the living planet. Sculpting these Human Landscapes, I want to restore a faulty perspective. Thinking we (can) rule over nature is as outdated as the idea that the earth is flat. Not only is it an erroneous belief, it is also a dangerous one. We are not above tree, sea, rock and river. We are tree, sea, rock and river.